
Marjorie Scholes Killian is celebrating her 88th birthday

Marjorie Scholes Killian is having a birthday March 7th!!

You are invited to come celebrate her 88th birthday with her. She would love to celebrate with family and friends this year.

Date: Saturday, March 5, 2022

Time: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm.

Place: Shelley, Idaho
10th Ward
1555 North 700 East
Shelley (Woodville)

Please let Ruth know if you will be joining us.

We will also have zoom set up if you can’t come but wish to say hi.

For her birthday could you please email her daughter Ruth at [email protected] with any memories you have of her.

We will also have a slide show of her life. If you have pictures of her could you please email them to Eni at [email protected]

Marj has loved making many items over the years. If you have something she has made for you, and would like to bring it, we would love to display it.

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