
Hear ye, Hear ye! Kate Schiers & Nick Kelley are getting married

The Kingdom of John & Jolene Schiers and the Kingdom of Jeff & Shayla Kelley are pleased to announce their Kingdoms are joining together for the marriage and sealing of the fair and Royal Kate Helen Schiers, to the auspiciously gallant Nicholas Conrad Kelley, the firstborn and heir to the Kelley thrown (which is not much) on the 26th day of March 2021 from the year of our Lord, at the Idaho Falls Temple.

The kingdoms shall have a ball and reception in honor of this newly created Kingdom of Nick and Kate. This ball shall be held betwixt the 6th and 830 hour of the eve of 26th day of March at 2605 South 45th East in the land of Ammon.

The Schier’s Kingdom shall have second ball and reception to be held in their honor on the 9th day of April, betwixt the 4th and 6th hour of the ever, at 12108 W. Reutzel Dr. in the land of Boise.

After the festivities, the couple shall take an undeserved vacation to an undisclosed part of the world to begin their life together.

Once they return to reality, the couple will etch out their meager existence in a small apartment in North Ogden, Utah, where they will survive on elk meat from the spoils of the kill by Nick industrious wife Kate. The meat from the kill, Top-Ramen, and love should see them through their first year together.

Nick is currently employed at Northrup Grumman as a project engineer over several rocket projects. Meanwhile, Kate will be looking for work in the field of Emergency Management Services, which she graduated in from Idaho State University sum·ma cum lau·de.

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