Bingham County NewsNewsShelley News

North End Recreation District takes shape

SHELLEY:  The North End Recreation District began to take shape this week when Rori Christensen went before the Bingham County Commissioners and received approval for the initial board members operating the district.

The North End Recreation District was created to get grants and donations to build pickleball courts, sports complexes, and parks. It was narrowly past by voters in last year’s November election,

The district has now been divided into three zones from which two board members were chosen. The district consists of six board members and a President. They are as follows:

North End Recreation District Zones

Zone 1:

Baken Abrams

Bryan Sargent

Zone 2:

Kim Bateman

Andy Cooper

Zone 3

Karrie Winder

Debbie Wilson

President:  Adam French

“The election rotation is every odd year and always in November,” President Adam French said. “I am excited about who is on the board because we have a good mix of individuals, whether it is sports or art or community parks or walking paths, whatever it is, I think we have the people in place to make it successful.”

The first order of business for the newly appointed board and President is to create and adopt the district’s bylaws. 

“We’re creating this district from the ground floor up,” District organizer Rori Christensen said. “I will shadow the board for a while because the State knows me, but I will eventually back out of the process as it goes along.” 

Christensen also said the district would ensure irrigation water at the Bingham County Historical Park by springtime as promised. 

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