Historical View of Main Street in Firth and Shelley
SHELLEY / FIRTH — Community Pioneer presents a historical view of both Firth and Shelley’s Main Streets. As Community Pioneer works to gather historical photos and documents for the region’s history, readers are encouraged to share their local photos and family histories. Please send them to [email protected].

Firth Main Street – 1920
Firth Main Street circa 1920 is from the eMike Fritz Collection

Shelley’s State Street – 1898

Shelley’s State Street – 1910

Shelley’s State Street – 1910

Texaco Station on Shelley’s State St.

Upper photo is the dealership which once housed in the old Mallory building (now gone), north of the Virginia Theater
Lower photo of Malcolm Machine Shop at the northwest corner of Emerson and Pine

Shelley’s State St. Early1930’s

Shelley’s State St. Early1930’s

Bell Brother’s Grain Elevators in 1919 at the corner of Spud Alley and S. Park, in Shelley. It was destroyed by fire in the early morning of Dec. 23, 1971. The cow on the top of the building remained prominently displayed until the fire destroyed it.

Shelley’s State St. in 1902 after a fire destroyed seven buildings.

Shelley’s State Street in1917.
The hamburger stand at Peck & Dial was known as PDQ. Although it was likely an acronym of the ownership, people in the community thought it meant “Pretty Darn Quick.”

Shelley’s S. State St. in the early 1950s. Taken in front of now Brolium’s.

Shelley’s Fir Street in the early 1950s. This photo is looking west toward State Street.

Shelley’s State St. in the early 1950s. This photo is taken in front of now Teton Engineering and looking north at Center Street

Shelley’s Center Street in the early 1950s. This photo is looking west at State Street and the old Goodsell Elementary School.

Anyone remember when the ore train coming through Shelley early in the morning and there was over 80 ore cars, I used to run over to the tracks and watch it zip on by!
We own the original Homestead that was built in 1892 if you come across any photos we would appreciate any help. We are trying to restore as much as possible to the original home.
Thank you
Shelley Wright
We have a few and are hoping to get more when we do a series on Mr. Shelley.
Is there a possibility of seeing the pictures you have of the homestead.
This is so great to see and read! I lived in Shelley from 1946 until 1965 when I graduated from high school. I love this place, it was such a wonderful place to grow up in!